Monday, March 16, 2009

I love you, but you love me?

Monday... blues are in the air. I decided to start increasing my mileage for training, from the usual 7-10km to 12km. It was tough, finishing in 1.5hrs. Legs are aching and want to Zzz soon.

On my return leg home just now (@ Dover MRT), I saw a scene between a polytechnic couple, where the male wa saying something in an angry face, and the female looked speechless, with a sense of 'I can't be bothered' face. I was on earphones, so I was not listening to what they were saying.

I was reminded that as humans in a BGR, there will be situations where conflicts will happen. It can get ugly if it is not handled or settled properly, and such history of conflict can be 'weapons of past baggage' which couples may use to 'shoot' the other party, when similar things happen again. Communication is important in producing a loving a fruitful relationship and both parties have to be forgiving to another (but they must also be humble to admit if they are at fault). God should also be in the BGR, guiding our lives and thoughts as both the guy and the gal are together.

'Love, in the knowledge of the mind and the willingness of the heart, to do what is best for the other person'. Let us share some love with others yo!!


1 comment:

yp said...

Hahaha... where do you run?

I am thinking of starting to run regularly again.


Those are good thoughts.