Thursday, July 21, 2016

Playing the Ukulele in Thailand..

A friend told me that if I were to work in Thailand, I will have a lot of free time. Indeed... 

After my work ends, my evenings and weekends are free. So for the first few weeks, I searched for something that I can learn and do, and whala! Playing the ukulele was the option. So I ventured out o find places that I can buy them. I got my first ukulele (Makala Dolphin Soprano Yellow) as I saw many positive reviews about them.

Got the first, then the second, then the third.. and now, it is 12.

Learning it was not easy... yes the chords were manageable, but when it comes to committing yourself to learn the many chords and songs, it will be a challenge. I started with learning the chords and playing simple struming an hour a night. Then the muscle memory comes in and things got a little easier, and my first song! 

Then I got asked to assist for the church's fellowship time, and what happens is history: More opportunities to learn and try to play in groups (cell group, retreats...). This year, I had the chance to teach some children and adults how to play the uke, and I thank God for this experience, despite my lack of experience...

UAS (Ukulele Acquisition Syndrome) - I think I got the disease.. haha.


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