Friday, June 11, 2010


Just had an urge to write...

1. In my 4 years of NIE, I realized that my ART modules are the most consistent in terms of scoring, despite it being my weakest Curriculum Studies subject. What I thought I would shine in (Science) did not materilaize. Math was netural. English (my Academic Subject a.k.a Major) was ...? Oh well. It was a great 4 yrs of studying, esp the last 2, where the Dip Ed group shrink into the current X-over batch. Great to see all of us graduate, esp those whom I met 4 yrs ago and are still around in NIE till that day we graduate.

2. It's a surreal feeling, but it feels _ _ _ _ (add your own adjective) when you put a blanket over someone sleeping (Parents, now I know a little bit how you feel). My granny, 87 hates the cold, but I do switch on aircon sometimes. As such I had to put the thick cottony cloth over her, to ensure that she is warm. As she has dementia, she would always stare at me when I put the blanket. And it feels so good..

Remember, cherish the people around you... Love them, even though they were bad...


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