Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Someone gave me a name, but not from my family!!

I'm not sure if you have asked this question when your looked at my blog (thanks for your support!): Why is the title of the blog "My Name, His Life"?

As many of you will know, I come from a non-Christian family and the Chinese usually have this custom: Whenever a child is going to be born, his/her parents will go to a Chinese master (in a temple or a geomancer) to ask for an auspicious name, hoping that this name will bless him in his life, protect him and so on.. I asked my parents and they said that my name (Wee Hwa) was given by a monk in a temple.

When I started this blog, I realize that even though a name makes a person unique (and forms an identity), it only acts as a reminder of who I am by name. And the Lord has made my life special by firstly being in His family, and giving me life and the privilege to serve Him. It was there that I decided that the title of my blog is My Name His Life, to say that my life belongs to Him, even though it has my name.

I'm not an expressive person with words, so please forgive me for bad English posted in this blog (Teacher don't know English??Die la!).


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